2023-10-16 NEW: "Include Statitics" option for indexes.
2023-09-05 NEW: Breaking notes differently across turning pages
2021-12-20 NEW: Keeping smaller files in memory
2021-11-22 NEW: !!! Find - Find citation !!!
2021-08-26 NEW: Paste image into Graphics Viewer
2021-05-27 NEW: !!! Levels for nested bidirectional text !!!
2021-05-27 NEW: !!! Formatted text modules !!!
2021-05-27 NEW: !!! Compressed file format !!!
^ Version 11.00
2024-11-29 NEW: Tools - General options - RTF - Table Rows As Tabs.
2024-11-28 NEW: Tools - General options - Display - Rasterize SVGs.
2024-02-23 FIX: Centred mouse-wheel zooming in Graphics Viewer.
2022-12-21 NEW: Format - Cross reference - Suppress Chapter
2022-12-06 NEW: !!! Export roadmap !!!
2022-02-02 NEW: Edit - Select - Section
2021-06-16 FIX: TEI: sections started with
embedded in
2021-03-22 NEW: !!! bm: command (column headers) !!!
2021-03-09 NEW: Margin templates: Separator
2021-03-01 NEW: !!! SVG graphics !!!
2021-03-01 NEW: !!! pn command: print footnote-and-section-end notes without a section !!!
^ Version 10.04
2021-01-25 NEW: Tools - Options - XML - Link Paths
2021-01-10 NEW: !!! bp: command in Text (e.g. for repeating header in index) !!!
2021-01-10 NEW: Indexes: Layout - Skip Identical Tabs.
2021-01-03 NEW: References - Citation - Quick Insert.
2020-12-08 NEW: Bibliography: Mass selection
2020-11-19 NEW: Irregular hyphenation: Catalan "l·l", German "ck" (Complex and OpenType only)
2020-11-10 NEW: !!! Tools - Options - Display - Mark Spacing !!!
2020-10-26 NEW: !!! RegEx transformation for indexes created from Notes !!!
2020-10-23 NEW: Multi-line headers and footers (use soft line breaks).
2020-10-23 FIX: Line numbers in indexes from notes.
2020-09-21 NEW: Make entry positive (in Apparatus context menu)
2020-08-07 NEW: Format - Document - Page - PDF Bookmarks.
2020-08-07 NEW: Graphics viewer context menu: Fit selection in window.
2020-08-05 NEW: Facing-page preview respects master document RTL setting.
2020-08-05 NEW: "Insert - File" accepts all readable file types.
2020-06-29 NEW: Format - Document - Page - Trim Marks - Crop Marks
2020-06-20 NEW: !!! Margin templates with different positions, enabling different types of margin texts side by side !!!
2020-06-20 NEW: !!! Import/collate Transcribus projects (mets.xml files) !!!
2020-06-20 NEW: References - Header reference - Margins and Commands - Succinct
^ Version 10.03
2020-05-27 NEW: !!! Format - Document - Templates - Organize - Display paragraph template hierarchy !!!
2020-05-27 NEW: !!! Format - Document - Associated - Propagate Format Changes !!!
2020-05-27 NEW: Insert - Character/Symbol - Characters - All glyphs in font.
2020-05-27 NEW: Insert - Character/Symbol - Characters - Scripts: in alphabetic order.
2020-05-27 NEW: Don't show inherited formats in Format - Document - Templates - Paragraph/Font.
2020-05-27 NEW: Stretch text without notes down to page end.
2020-05-27 NEW: Used Formats tool menu: Adapt template.
2020-02-20 NEW: !!! Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Options - Paragraph break on new chapter !!!
2020-01-24 NEW: !!! Abbreviation dot !!!
^ Version 10.02
2020-01-18 NEW: Format - Section - Page Number - "Left Page -1"
2020-01-15 FIX: Replace all may lead to non-responsive state until completed.
2019-11-05 NEW: !!! Tools - Document navigator !!!
2019-11-05 NEW: !!! XML: Import sigla !!!
2019-11-05 NEW: !!! Roadmap view: double-click to adopt a reading into the text !!!
2019-11-05 NEW: !!! Format - Notes settings - Purpose !!!
2019-11-05 NEW: Tools - General options - RTF - Convert to Lemmata/Notes Follow First Word.
2019-11-05 NEW: Tools - General options - RTF - Interpret Colors.
2019-11-05 NEW: Reopen certain tool windows on startup.
2019-11-05 NEW: Tools - General options - XML - Hierarchical
^ Version 10.01
2019-09-05 NEW: Insert - Paragraph numbers - Templates
2019-07-24 NEW: Skip a number of pages: Format - Section - Page number - Continue + ...
2019-07-24 NEW: Tools - Options - General - Undo after save.
2019-07-17 NEW: Collate only highlighted parts of a text.
2019-05-07 NEW: !!! Backward search !!!
2019-04-04 NEW: More intuitive menu structure, with icons.
With apologies to experienced users. Most Alt key shortcuts and all others will still work, though.
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Citation software support (Insert - Citation / Bibliography) !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Critical apparatus in roadmap view !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Manual Collation Tool (Edit - Manual collation) !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Fully cached print preview !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Layout calculated in the background (Options - Preferences - General) !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! References updated in the background (Options - Preferences - General) !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Updating page-line references deals with logical circularity !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Find - Goto - Page !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Options - Preferences - Display - Show Page Breaks !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Find - Find manuscripts - Rules !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Associated documents: Share chapter lines option !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Options - Macro - Edit !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! RegEx replacement for modifying index sorting !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Edit - RegEx transformation !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Formatted Header references !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! XML tagging using a Notes window !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Margin entries within bn: etc commands !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Format - Document - General - Apparatus abbreviations - Font template !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! Genealogical export: automatic weighing of variants !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: !!! New interpreted apparatus keyword for preceding additions ('praem.') !!!
2019-03-10 NEW: Header reference: "Between chapter and line option"
2019-03-10 NEW: New numbering styles (including Syriac).
2019-03-10 NEW: Format - Document - Page - Switch facing pages
2019-03-10 NEW: Graphics viewer: invert colors option.
2019-03-10 NEW: Customisable parentheses in verbose witness lists (Format - Apparatus settings - Style).
2019-03-10 NEW: Format - Document - Legacy - Save as version...
2019-03-10 NEW: Options - Preferences - XML - Import Tags.
2019-03-10 NEW: Entry count in document statistics.
2019-03-10 NEW: Page number in status line (when available).
2019-03-10 NEW: TEI export of witness groups.
2019-03-10 NEW: Command "bn!:" for text before notes even when these are continued.
2019-03-10 NEW: Adjustable font size in search and replace window.
2019-03-10 NEW: Paste HTML clipboard format.
2019-03-10 NEW: Quick info for hyperlinks.
2019-03-10 NEW: Extended template spacing used in editing windows.
^ Version 10.00
2018-04-19 NEW: 'Jewish' numbering.
2017-11-20 NEW: Help - Licensing - Set license for all users of this machine
2017-04-24 NEW: !!! File - Save all !!!
2017-04-24 NEW: !!! Delete unused sigla without first resolving sigla !!!
2017-04-24 NEW: !!! Apparatus context menu: Put variant in text (use with due caution) !!!
2017-04-24 NEW: Index sortkey size automatically adjusted.
^ Version 9.03 ^
2017-03-07 NEW: Options - Preferences - XML - Render formats.
2017-01-12 NEW: !!! Collation: normalization by regex replacement !!!
2017-01-01 NEW: Indexes: Paragraph templates for specific hierarchy levels.
2016-11-05 NEW: Help - User forum.
2016-11-05 NEW: Format - Document - Legacy - Combine bidirectional text as before v. 9.2.
2016-10-30 NEW: !!! Indexes: Custom reference styles !!!
2016-10-30 NEW: Indexes: Numeric ranges sorted correctly.
2016-10-30 NEW: Indexes: "Expand numbers" now works for all kinds of numerals (including Unicode Roman numerals).
2016-10-30 NEW: Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Options - Don't Bidi-embed references.
2016-10-30 FIX: Inconsistent bidirectionality, especially within textual references.
^ Version 9.02 ^
2016-09-19 NEW: Export chapter lines as XML/TEI milestones (Options - Preferences - XML - Export Milestones).
2016-08-22 NEW: Different page number styles within the same section (References - Header reference - Other - Page number).
2016-08-22 FIX: Numbering did not update properly.
2016-06-20 NEW: !!! Insert - Character/Symbol - Specials - Line break, no word break !!!
2016-06-20 NEW: !!! References - Convert footnote to text reference !!!
2016-06-20 NEW: Sigla format may define directionality (e.g. LTR sigla within RTL context)
2016-06-20 NEW: Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Options - Don't Float.
^ Version 9.01 ^
2016-04-28 NEW: Undo works for whole macros instead of individual steps.
2016-04-18 NEW: Searching for text with no templates assigned.
2016-04-04 NEW: "Format - Document - General - Centralised Formatting Only" applies to pasting as well.
2016-02-24 NEW: Format - Document - Sigla - "Want value uses present witnesses: Only for more than one witnesses".
2016-01-25 NEW: Format - Document - Associated - Float: Notes may 'float' in only one direction.
2016-01-25 NEW: References - Repair footnotes.
2015-11-27 NEW: Notes separator lines switch sides with "Outer/Inner" paragraph alignment.
2015-11-18 NEW: File - Export - Ordered apparatus - Quote lemma.
2015-10-31 NEW: Format - Apparatus/Notes settings - Strings - After footnote reference
2015-09-10 NEW: !!! Format - Reference - Print Entry !!!
2015-06-10 NEW: !!! Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Options - Space above - Expand !!!
2015-05-16 NEW: Inspect first change after updating the references (see status bar).
2015-05-16 NEW: Cross-document reference commands use time stamp instead of counter.
2015-04-30 NEW: Hierarchical application of Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Options - Space above min.
2015-04-20 FIX: Strikeout in Complex/OpenType mode.
2015-03-22 NEW: !!! Graphics Viewer: Transcription Mode !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Automatic collation (File - Import - Collate) !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Graphics linking/tagging !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Document-wide undo/redo !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Undo/redo list in toolbar (Ctrl + U) !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Embedded Indexes !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Indexes from several index numbers !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! External hyperlinks !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Indexes from notes/apparatus entries !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: !!! Format - Document - Notes - Hierarchical Separator Lines !!!
2015-02-20 NEW: Options - RTF - Export Lemmata.
2015-02-20 NEW: Exempting specially indexed words from full-text indexes
2015-02-20 NEW: KWIC from notes
2015-02-20 NEW: Format - Sigla - Clone.
^ Version 9.00 ^
2014-12-22 NEW: Numbering formatted by font template.
2014-11-26 NEW: Supports in XML import.
2014-10-23 FIX: Number direction in certain contexts in complex mode
2014-10-19 NEW: Ethiopic Hyphenation (requires full install)
2014-06-06 FIX: !!! Issues in Wine/Crossover !!!
2014-06-06 NEW: Add and remove transliteration definitions (Options - Transliteration).
2014-06-06 NEW: Text "Sequens" setting used in indexes.
2014-04-10 NEW: !!! Exclude paragraphs with specific templates from index or create index from specific templates only !!!
2014-04-10 NEW: Improved numbering functionality.
2014-04-10 NEW: Cursor moves by words in read-only text window.
2014-04-10 NEW: Text position info (in Text window context menu).
2014-03-06 NEW: !!! PDF support upgraded to novaPDF v7. (requires installation - please deinstall novaPDF 5) !!!
2014-02-26 NEW: Updating all references faster for most documents.
2014-01-22 NEW: Context menu for deleting margin texts, commands and chapter identifiers.
2014-01-22 NEW: Letter separation in indexes.
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Insert - Numbering !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Drop capitals !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! No diacritis font style !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Associated documents: Share page lines option !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Ctrl+M in edit fields brings up Character Map !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Ctrl+K in edit fields brings up Keyboard menu !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Search for characters that are not supported by the used font (Find - Missing glyphs) !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: !!! Unsupported characters greyed in Character Map !!!
2014-01-01 NEW: Format - Text settings (including separator line).
2014-01-01 NEW: Options - Preferenes - Screen - Move Cursor on Window Activation.
2014-01-01 NEW: Better contextualised context menu in edit windows.
2014-01-01 NEW: More options for showing headers, footers and page number (Format - Section).
^ Version 8.08 ^
2014-10-15 NEW: Coptic keyboard
2013-04-22 NEW: !!! Flicker-free highlighting !!!
2013-04-22 NEW: !!! Apparatus context menu: "Show variants in witness groups" !!!
2013-04-22 NEW: !!! Context menu to sigla lists in apparatus: "Show witnesses" !!!
2013-04-22 NEW: !!! Edit - Sigla: building lists without using group sigla !!!
^ Version 8.07 ^
2013-03-05 NEW: Options - Preferences - XML - Width and position in CSS.
2013-03-05 NEW: Activating "Scroll Lock" key keeps cursor in place while scrolling.
2013-02-25 NEW: Command line export of associated documents (specify target folder not file).
2013-02-25 FIX: Unicode U+200B now breaks the line (U+2060 does not).
2013-01-14 NEW: Triple clicking highlights paragraph.
2013-01-10 NEW: Options - Preferences - Show splash screen.
2012-12-29 NEW: !!! Find - Go to !!!
2012-12-28 NEW: XML Import: parallel segmentation style.
2012-12-11 FIX: Line breaks and justification in Tibetan script.
2012-11-30 NEW: Transparent tool windows (Options - Preferences - Display).
2012-11-20 NEW: RegEx replacement: convert between Arabic and Roman numerals.
2012-11-20 FIX: Font color export to RTF.
2012-10-29 NEW: !!! Edit - Redo !!!
2012-10-08 NEW: Automatic checking for updates (Options - Preferences - General)
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Format - Document - Margins - Shift up to # lines !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Sigla may be used in main text and notes (no automatic building!) !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Context menus for template dropdown lists in toolbar !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! New context menus in Format - Show used formats !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Header references to margins of specific templates !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Caching previous pages in Print Preview !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Remember searches across sessions !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Save searches !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: !!! Unlimited search text !!!
2012-08-10 NEW: Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Options - Fonts - Secondary Line Numbers
2012-08-10 NEW: Add comments to sigla (Format - Sigla)
2012-08-10 NEW: Customizable font size in Insert - Siglum.
2012-08-10 NEW: Color-coding sigla in the lists (Format - Sigla - Font 1)
^ Version 8.06 ^
2012-01-08 NEW: Selection expansion works with bookmarks.
2011-12-09 NEW: Locate moved associated or referenced documents.
2011-12-03 NEW: !!! Format - Show used formats - Font !!!
2011-11-05 NEW: XML/CSS export and import of OpenType features.
2011-10-05 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Foreground Active Documents.
2011-10-03 NEW: Double-clicking on footnote number takes you to footnote.
2011-09-20 NEW: Format - Document - Associated - Exclude from bottom alignment
2011-09-09 NEW: !!! Adjustable amount of kashida justification (Paragraph dialog) !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: !!! Margin Templates !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: !!! Option to prevent margin texts from overwriting each other (Format - Document - Page - Margins - Control) !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: !!! Insert - Create index entry !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: !!! XML import !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: !!! XML export with page and line numbers (Options - Preferences - XML - Export milestones) !!!
2011-09-06 NEW: Format - Document - Page - Paper Size.
2011-09-06 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Highlight Words.
2011-09-06 NEW: References - Copy cross-document index number.
2011-09-06 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Text Cursor - Visual Movement.
2011-09-06 NEW: New numeration schemes using Arabic letters.
2011-09-06 NEW: Delete words by Shift+Ctrl+Del and Shift+Ctrl+Backspace.
2011-09-06 FIX: Invisible text cursor under Wine/Crossover
2011-09-06 FIX: Kashida justification in Windows 7
^ Version 8.05 ^
2011-04-21 NEW: Character Map as floating tool window.
2011-04-20 NEW: Keyboard Map as floating tool window.
2011-04-20 NEW: Cross-document Reference dialog remembers settings.
2011-04-15 NEW: Syriac keyboard definitions including both vowel systems and other diacritica.
2011-04-08 NEW: When inserting group sigla, sources listed as absent are subtracted.
2011-04-06 NEW: Option to exclude textual references from document statistics.
2011-04-06 FIX: Importing extended template spacing from file or template.
2011-03-31 NEW: Hyphenation reads UTF-8-encoded TeX hyphenation files.
2011-03-31 FIX: Hyphenation before opening brackets.
2011-03-29 NEW: "Based on" also applies to notes/apparatus settings and sections.
2011-03-25 NEW: Format - Index - Layout - Build Ranges
2011-03-21 NEW: Format - Document - Notes - "Digits in ranges" also applies to page ranges in cross references.
2011-03-07 NEW: Right-justified tab may exceed "Right" margin of paragraph.
2011-02-15 FIX: Floating notes with last line of different height
2011-01-26 NEW: Three levels of verbosity for lists of available sources (Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Style)
2011-01-25 NEW: Format - Document - Characters - Typographic Quotation Marks
2011-01-21 NEW: OpenType option "Titling capitals"
2011-01-21 NEW: Hover mouse over sigla to show source numbers
2011-01-21 NEW: Export OLE Objects to XML
2011-01-14 NEW: Edit Header references (by double-clicking or context menu)
2010-12-24 NEW: !!! Apparatus-style endnotes (hierarchical references, merged paragraphs) !!!
2010-12-24 NEW: !!! Index entries referring to text spans !!!
2010-12-24 NEW: Edit - Sort paragraphs
2010-12-24 NEW: Replacing paragraph marks keeps paragraph formats and sections
2010-12-24 NEW: "Page" and "Line" indications in cross references (Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Strings)
2010-12-24 NEW: Format - Document - Associated: Balanced Floating Notes
2010-12-24 NEW: Text-reference index numbers in different number styles
2010-12-24 NEW: Show paragraph areas on print preview
2010-12-24 NEW: Character map: "Unicode Blocks (alphabetically)"
2010-12-24 NEW: Cross-document reference option: "Quote 2nd line for broken word"
2010-12-24 NEW: Strict TEI-5 in XML export: instead of , etc.
2010-12-24 FIX: XML-export of cross references
^ Version 8.04 ^
2010-10-07 NEW: Format - Document - Sigla - "Want" value uses present sources
2010-09-07 NEW: !!! Format - Show used formats !!!
2010-09-03 NEW: File - Export - Plain text
2010-07-21 NEW: Follow references by clicking while holding the "Ctrl" key
2010-07-04 NEW: Change paragraph template by context menu (right-click paragraph template drop-down list on toolbar).
2010-07-01 NEW: !!! Text references including formatting (Format - Reference - Format Referencing) !!!
2010-07-01 NEW: !!! Command "s+:" for high-level synchronisation !!!
2010-07-01 NEW: Format - Chapter: Continue Line Numbering
2010-07-01 NEW: Format - Document - Notes - Digits in Line Ranges: two new options
2010-07-01 NEW: Header/footer window context menu: Copy from previous
^ Version 8.03 ^
2010-04-27 NEW: Commands "ph-" and "pf-" skip header and footer for the page, respectively
2010-04-12 NEW: New paragraph hyphenation options: No, Manual.
2010-04-12 NEW: Hyphenation in Print preview: select parts to hyphenate.
2010-04-07 NEW: !!! Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Apparatus of availabel text sources: Verbose !!!
2010-03-25 NEW: Hyphenation options: minimum letters in word before and after hyphenation
2010-03-19 NEW: New page number options in Section dialog
2010-03-19 NEW: Regular Expressions Groups tool
2010-03-12 NEW: !!! Cross-document references !!!
2010-03-12 NEW: !!! Case changing in Regular Expression replacement !!!
2010-03-12 NEW: !!! Header references to margin text and to commands !!!
2010-03-12 NEW: !!! Edit references, footnotes etc, by double-clicking !!!
2010-03-12 NEW: !!! Right-click context menus for references, footnotes etc. !!!
2010-03-12 NEW: Named Groups in Regular Expression replacement
2010-03-12 NEW: Editing references, footnotes, chapter settings by double-clicking at the text
^ Version 8.02 ^
2010-01-14 NEW: Keyword-in-context indexing: "Entire words" option
2010-01-14 NEW: !!! Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Options - Hide Absent Mss !!!
2010-01-14 NEW: !!! Format - Sigla - Smart Groups - Rules !!!
2010-01-14 NEW: Format - Sigla - Import Tree
^ Version 8.01 ^
2009-12-02 NEW: Empty regular expressions search results
2009-11-30 NEW: Replace button in Tab stops dialog
2009-11-16 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen: Mark Capitals format in Edit Mode
2009-11-10 NEW: !!! Search and replace with regular expressions !!!
2009-11-10 NEW: Indexes: pre-processing words with regular expression replacement
2009-10-28 NEW: Format - Document - Associated - Expand internally
2009-10-26 NEW: References - Copy cross reference
2009-10-26 NEW: References - Copy index number
2009-10-23 NEW: Separator line in notes moves with notes paragraph
2009-10-23 NEW: Vertical Synchronization by "sv:" commands
2009-10-23 NEW: See referenced text by highlighting cross reference (with "Options - Synchronise always")
2009-09-24 NEW: Language: Church Slavonic
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Keyword-in-context indexing (KWIC) !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Move back and forward between visited locations (Alt+Left, Alt+Right) !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Object - Insert - Linked and embedded graphics !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Import graphics by Drag&Drop !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Embedded objects stored in compressed form !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Insert - Paste as... !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: !!! Index sorting by different language standards !!!
2009-09-09 NEW: Format - Sigla - Copy List
2009-09-09 NEW: Graphics viewer supports PNG.
^ Version 8.00 ^
2008-11-25 NEW: File - Document statistics
2008-10-17 NEW: Insert - Footnote reference to clipboard
2008-10-17 NEW: Print Preview: "Goto page" button (Ctrl+L)
2008-10-17 NEW: Format - Document - Templates - Organize - Replace font
2008-10-17 NEW: "lf*" commands for turning floating notes on and off
2008-10-17 NEW: !!! Extended OpenType support: Ligatures, Old-Style Numerals, true Small Capitals, Alternates... !!!
^ Version 7.00 ^
2008-07-09 NEW: Insert - Paragraph numbers - Scope: Selected text
2008-07-09 NEW: Header References do not print lines numbers if for the chapter references are set to "Chapter" only.
2008-06-17 FIX: Zoom values inaccurate with some graphics drivers
2008-06-16 NEW: Format - Document - General: Centralized Formatting Only
2008-06-16 NEW: Vertical Line "Tab Stop"
2008-06-16 NEW: Box "underline" styles
2008-06-16 NEW: Help as HTML Help
2008-06-16 NEW: !!! Several levels of subentries in indexes !!!
2008-06-16 NEW: !!! Extended Inter-Template spacing !!! (Format - Document - Templates - Organize)
2008-06-16 NEW: !!! Notes and apparatus at section end !!!
^ Version 6.06 ^
2008-04-16 NEW: New "2 Pages Floating Notes" layouts: continued notes for first page at bottom.
2008-04-10 NEW: Customizable apparatus abbreviations (Format - Document - General).
2008-02-28 NEW: Windows - Fit document in window.
2008-02-28 NEW: Format - Document - General: Fit document options ("When openin...").
2008-01-31 NEW: "bl:" command in notes: print text before line numbers.
2008-01-26 NEW: Options - Preferences - XML: "Linked stylesheets" and "Unicode as".
2008-01-18 NEW: File - Export - Manuscripts: multiple export.
2008-01-18 NEW: File - Export - Manuscripts: export as XML.
2007-11-08 NEW: Options - Preferences - XML
2007-10-24 NEW: !!! Format - Format tool window !!!
2007-09-20 NEW: !!! Format - Apparatus/notes settings - Style - Restart Footnotes !!!
2007-09-20 NEW: !!! Justifying tabs !!!
^ Version 6.05 ^
2007-09-06 NEW: File - Export - Ordered apparatus: Only apparatus variants.
2007-08-24 NEW: PDF output on Windows Vista.
2007-07-26 FIX: Diacritics on complex scripts.
2007-07-24 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Text Follows Print Preview
2007-07-24 NEW: Undo (Arrow up / Ctrl+Z) during Hyphenation.
2007-07-24 FIX: Possible corruptions in the notes when inserting large files.
2007-04-02 NEW: Format - Document - Templates - Organize - Import templates
2007-02-12 NEW: !!! Indexing "From File" !!!
2007-01-31 NEW: Find: "No Diacritics" option.
2007-01-03 NEW: !!! File - Export - Genealogical data !!!
2007-01-03 NEW: File - Export - Ordered apparatus.
2006-12-15 NEW: Options - Prefernces - XML/HTML - CSS styles for XML.
2006-12-12 NEW: File - Import - Apparatus/notes entries.
2006-11-23 NEW: Resizable Character Map.
2006-10-27 NEW: Widow/Orphan control also for floating notes.
2006-10-23 NEW: Ethiopic keyboard.
2006-10-20 NEW: Options - Preferences - Keyboard - Standard hyphen is breaking
2006-10-02 NEW: !!! Character ("Font") templates !!!
^ Version 6.04 ^
2006-09-15 NEW: Format - Document - Notes - Digits in Line Ranges min.
2006-09-08 NEW: Adjustable underline position.
2006-08-25 NEW: Print preview: Windows - Zoom - "Fit in Window"
2006-08-23 NEW: Customizable Unicode blocks (Insert - Character/Symbol)
2006-08-23 NEW: Turkish "i" casing
2006-08-14 NEW: Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Style - Put larger references first
2006-08-08 FIX: Kashida justification
2006-08-08 NEW: Smart sigla subgrouping (Format - Sigla - Smart Groups)
^ Version 6.03 ^
2006-05-10 NEW: Search for References (^R), Cross references (^C), Footnotes (^F), Objects (^O), and Sigla (^S)
2006-04-07 NEW: Filled tab stops.
2006-04-05 NEW: Windows - Next document.
2006-04-05 NEW: Windows - Next associated document.
2006-04-05 NEW: "p" command for changing the page number.
2006-03-22 NEW: Armenian keyboard.
2006-03-14 NEW: Hiding commands also in Edit mode (Options - Show commands...).
2006-03-14 NEW: Automatic kerning of dashes next to numbers.
2006-02-01 NEW: Various underline styles.
2006-02-01 NEW: Font-independent underline also in Classic mode.
2006-01-27 NEW: Positive apparatus validation (Find - Find positive apparatus errors)
2006-01-18 NEW: XML/TEI output reworked
2005-12-16 NEW: !!! Create PDF files !!!
2005-12-16 NEW: Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Transliteration.
2005-12-16 NEW: Mirroring characters also in "CTE Classic" script mechanism.
2005-12-16 NEW: Format - Section - Start: Same Column.
2005-12-16 NEW: Options - Preferences - Visible Spaces in Dialogs.
^ Version 6.02 ^
2005-10-17 FIX: Alignment of continuous columns at section end.
2005-08-22 NEW: Search: wildcards for uppercase ("^B") and lowercase letters ("^b")
2005-08-04 NEW: Index: file with sorting exceptions can be supplied (File - Index - Exception File)
2005-08-04 NEW: Search: wildcards for digits ("^1") and letters ("^A")
2005-04-19 NEW: Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Style - References: Format
2005-04-10 NEW: !!! Hyphenation support can be supplied !!!
2005-04-10 NEW: Edit - Change casing.
2005-04-10 NEW: Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Options - Fonts - Text Reference.
2005-04-10 NEW: Format - Notes/apparatus setting - Options - Starting Line for 2nd Word.
2005-04-10 NEW: Format - Paragraph - Smart line starts: quotation mark printed at the left side of the text margin. Supersedes "Greek poetry" option.
2005-04-10 NEW: Format - Reference - Smart Compounds.
2005-04-10 NEW: Edit - Redirect Reference: references reordered automatically.
2005-04-10 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Ensure Chapter Line Nrs.
2005-04-10 NEW: Options - Preferences - HTML/TEI - No named entities.
2005-04-10 NEW: Manuscript lists need no longer be terminated explicitly.
2005-04-10 NEW: Print current date or file date in header or footer (Insert - Header reference).
2005-04-10 NEW: Maximal font size increased to 216 pt.
2005-04-10 NEW: RTF import of numbers in apparatus as non-manuscript identifiers (format manuscript identifiers as blue in source document!)
^ Version 6.01 ^
2004-11-23 NEW: Cursor can be scrolled out of Window.
2004-10-25 FIX: Minor fixes.
2004-08-22 NEW: !!! Options - Transliteration !!!
2004-08-20 NEW: Find - Goto Location.
2004-07-20 FIX: Certain configurations of embedded directionality.
2004-06-28 NEW: Spaces visible as dots in "Options - Edit Mode".
2004-06-24 NEW: !!! Select line number style !!! (Format - Document - Page - Line Numbers; Format - Chapter)
2004-06-12 NEW: !!! Extending the menu to include macros (Help, s.v. "Macro Menus") !!!
2004-06-12 FIX: Font-dependent keyboard switching did not work in last version.
2004-05-24 NEW: Arabic-Indic and twenty other digit formats in page and footnote numbers.
2004-04-24 NEW: !!! Complex script management !!! (Format - Document - Characters)
2004-04-24 NEW: !!! Unicode sorting for indices !!!
2004-04-24 NEW: !!! Right-to-Left notes !!!
2004-04-24 NEW: !!! Different sigla for different contexts !!!
2004-04-24 NEW: Unicode Supplementary Panes available.
2004-04-24 NEW: New Unicode Keyboard layouts: Devanagari, Gothic, Hiragana, Katakana, Ogham, Runic, Syriac.
2004-04-24 NEW: Fine tuning the gaps between notes: Format - Notes/apparatus settings - Options - Min. Space above.
2004-04-24 NEW: Find - Find misplaced manuscripts.
^ Version 6.00 ^
2004-04-08 NEW: "|:"-command: break the page after this line.
2004-03-10 NEW: Math Type Equation Editor equations are base-line aligned.
2004-02-10 FIX: Problems with deleting mss.
2004-01-30 NEW: !!! Chapter/page and line references in Endnotes !!!
2004-01-24 NEW: Save index settings.
2004-01-24 NEW: Numbers within index entries sorted as numbers, not text.
2004-01-15 NEW: Adjustable "Sort string size" (for long index entries with identical start).
2003-12-09 NEW: Different font for second of double footnotes type "1-1" (Format - Note/Apparatus settings - Options).
2003-12-09 FIX: Text before first apparatus entry now possible without line break. To get a break, use double line break.
2003-12-03 FIX: Chapters sorted in index.
2003-11-15 NEW: !!! Hyphenating references !!! Execute "Edit - Update all references" after updating!
2003-11-07 FIX: Disappearing text formats.
2003-10-30 NEW: "Floating headers" for parallel texts not starting at page top (Format - Document - Associated).
2003-10-15 NEW: Options - Repair references from Text Window.
2003-10-15 FIX: References shift on Insert File.
2003-09-17 NEW: Searching for Alt-generated numers in apparatus.
2003-09-17 NEW: Sigla window remembers last position.
2003-09-17 FIX: Unicode characters in brackets in MSS lists cause troubles.
2003-09-12 FIX: Access violation in "Search Files".
2003-08-20 NEW: Sizeable Sigla window.
2003-08-20 NEW: Convert highlighted text to margin text.
2003-07-24 NEW: "Delete unused templates", in Format - Document - Templates.
2003-06-02 NEW: Refresh sigla in document from sigla edit dialog.
2003-04-17 NEW: Individual settings for different users.
2003-04-17 FIX: Multi-user awareness issues.
^ Version 5.06 ^
2003-04-01 NEW: List of previously used characters in Character Map.
2003-04-01 NEW: Enter Unicode characters by hexadecimal code + F2.
2003-03-25 NEW: Format - Document - Notes - Print notes if spacing exceeds...
2003-02-28 NEW: Options - Preferences - Screen - Overwrite highlighted text.
2003-01-23 NEW: Edit - Select Word/Paragraph/All.
2003-01-23 NEW: Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Strings - After Cross References.
2003-01-23 NEW: Different characters between chapter and line ranges in "Insert - Header reference".
2003-01-23 NEW: Any number of apparatus and notes.
2003-01-23 FIX: RTF import of different Codepages.
2003-01-23 FIX: Replace all omits some instances.
2002-12-12 NEW: Windows - Print window.
2002-12-10 FIX: Arabic letter yeh/ya combining.
2002-12-09 NEW: Count mss constellations (Find - Find Sigla).
2002-12-09 NEW: Run macro repeatedly (Options - Macro - Play loop).
2002-12-02 NEW: Drag page in print preview.
2002-11-22 NEW: "Files - Search Files" with formats.
2002-11-15 NEW: Extended control over printing chapter identifiers in notes at the start of a new page (Format - Note/Apparatus settings - Style; Format - Chapter).
2002-10-24 NEW: Searches in more than one window.
2002-10-10 NEW: !!! Synchronization between edit windows of parallel texts (Options - Synchronize documents always; Windows - Synchronize documents). !!!
2002-10-10 NEW: Dirty refrences alert (Options - Preferences - Document)
2002-10-08 FIX: Edit - Redirect Reference is working again.
2002-10-04 NEW: Format - Note/Apparatus settings - Style - Print Chapter only on its first page.
2002-10-04 NEW: Cascading chapters in headers (Get "III,2,3-4,1" instead of "III,2,3-III,4,1").
2002-08-12 NEW: !!! Chapters need not start with the line any more !!!
2002-08-12 NEW: !!! Text reference indexing according to chapters !!!
2002-08-12 NEW: !!! Different Reference styles from chapter to chapter !!!
2002-08-12 NEW: Change synchronization strictness in the course of the text (Insert - Command: "ys:"/ "yf:")
^ Version 5.05 ^
2002-07-08 NEW: Print Guidelines (Format - Document - Page).
2002-07-08 NEW: Delete unused footnote numbers (Format - Document - Notes).
2002-06-19 FIX: Copying and Pasting footnote number may lead to corruption.
2002-06-17 FIX: Cross-references to footnote numbers.
2002-06-05 NEW: Reorder sigla in blocks (Format - Sigla).
2002-03-15 FIX: Resource leak in Windows 9x.
2002-03-07 NEW: Customize space between siglum and following bracket (Format - Apparatus settings - Strings).
2002-03-01 NEW: Command line support for HTML and TEI export.
2002-02-18 NEW: Define text color.
2002-02-12 NEW: Enter text to replace the minus sign for mss. groups (Format - Document - Sigla).
2002-02-11 NEW: Print only left or right pages for layouts with facing pages.
2002-01-21 NEW: New combinations in "Latin UC" keyboard.
2002-01-07 FIX: Suppressing chapter identifier in notes with "@" did not work.
2001-11-27 NEW: Edit - Delete synchronization numbers.
2001-11-27 NEW: Synchronization strictness option (Format - Document - Associated)
2001-11-05 NEW: !!! Simple Superscript (Shift+Ctrl+S) and Subscript (Shift+Ctrl+U) !!!
2001-11-05 NEW: Layout "Text - Notes - Text - Notes" for double page.
2001-11-05 NEW: Customize Unicode characters for use in text references.
2001-10-29 NEW: User defined templates may be stored as default.
2001-10-29 NEW: Edit mode uses whole window regardless of position of left text margin.
2001-10-24 NEW: !!! AutoRecover !!! (Options - Preferences - File)
2001-10-24 NEW: !!! Graphics Viewer !!! (Windows - Graphics viewer)
2001-10-24 NEW: "Manual Format" option for footnote numbers (for footnote number cross references).
2001-10-24 NEW: Windows snapping to margins.
^ Version 5.04 ^
2001-08-16 NEW: Importing symbols from MS Word.
2001-07-17 NEW: Enhanced Arabic and Hebrew Unicode support.
2001-07-11 NEW: Separate widow and orphan control.
2001-07-09 NEW: Widow and orphan control for footnotes.
2001-07-09 NEW: Yiddish keyboard layout.
2001-07-05 NEW: RTF import and export of right-to-left text.
2001-07-05 NEW: Improved support of Unicode combining markers.
2001-06-22 NEW: Importing files with Drag&Drop.
2001-06-15 NEW: Open and close associated files together with master file.
2001-06-11 NEW: Option: Greek breathing marks and accents before uppercase letter left of margin (Format - Paragraph - "Greek Poetry")
2001-06-08 NEW: Define the "comma" between chapter and line (Format - Document - Notes)
2001-05-31 FIX: Search for Margin Text in Made Up Mode hangs.
2001-05-30 NEW: Expand selection (Shift+Ctrl+F8)
2001-05-04 NEW: !!! References to page and line !!!
2001-05-04 NEW: Search option: Whole words.
2001-05-04 NEW: Searching for non-alphanumeric characters: "^d".
2001-05-04 NEW: Print option: Reverse pages.
^ Version 5.03 ^
2001-04-24 NEW: Edit several sigla at once in Edit Sigla dialog.
2001-04-24 NEW: Scrollbars in print preview remember their position.
2001-04-24 NEW: Smoother window creation.
2001-04-23 NEW: New option in Reference Dialog: "Show if indexed" can be disabled.
2001-04-18 NEW: !!! Saving files as and creating files from document templates. !!!
2001-04-18 NEW: Defining font for second part of siglum.
2001-04-18 FIX: Highlighting bidirectional text.
2001-04-12 NEW: Default Font Format function optimized for greater speed.
2001-04-12 NEW: Text references to margin text allowed.
2001-04-02 NEW: Importing MS Word files without first creating an RTF file (only with Microsoft™ Word® installed)
2001-03-12 NEW: !!! Drag and Drop !!!
2001-02-27 NEW: Option to print only odd or only even pages.
2001-02-20 NEW: !!! Spell checking !!! (only with Microsoft™ Word® installed)
^ Version 5.02 ^
2001-01-31 NEW: !!! Vertical synchronization for parallel texts !!! (Format - Document - Associated)
^ Version 5.01 ^
2001-01-09 NEW: Option: Sigla Window stays on top.
2001-01-03 NEW: !!! Hyphenation support for notes in print preview !!!
2000-12-01 NEW: !!! Use Unicode characters and keyboards in Dialogs !!!
2000-12-01 NEW: !!! Synchronize always option (Windows menu) !!!
2000-12-01 NEW: !!! Notes with line range before text reference !!! (Format - Notes/Apparatus settings - Chapter / Line)
2000-12-01 NEW: Show inactive carets option (Windows menu).
2000-12-01 NEW: Highlight synchronized text option (Options - Preferences - General).
2000-12-01 NEW: Commands for inserting text at each page / chapter in the notes ([bc:, [ac:, [bp:).
2000-12-01 NEW: Zero-width word separator (acts like hidden space): Shift-Ctrl-Enter
2000-12-01 NEW: Spacers of several widths (Insert - Character/Symbol)
2000-12-01 NEW: Customizable "to" character for number ranges in notes.
2000-12-01 NEW: "Insert - Character/Symbol" combines character map and special character dialog.
2000-12-01 NEW: Search for composed and decomposed Unicode characters.
2000-12-01 NEW: Redirect reference command (Edit menu).
^ Version 5.00 ^
2000-07-24 FIX: Resource leak causes some computers to crash after some time of working.
2000-07-13 NEW: Customizeable caret width (Options - Preferences - General)
2000-07-12 NEW: Line references to more than one line (+ Force Show option)
2000-07-02 NEW: !!! Vertical alignment of blocks of parallel text !!!
2000-05-29 NEW: Print page also in header or footer.
2000-05-29 NEW: Option: Hide disabled menu commands.
2000-05-29 NEW: Opened files in recent files menu.
2000-05-29 FIX: Font styles sometimes not found after using Find Dialog button.
2000-05-29 FIX: End of text sometimes corrupted after inserting numbered footnote near begin of document.
2000-05-18 FIX: Wrong charset in non US or Western Windows.
2000-05-12 NEW: Edit - Cut with Notes.
2000-04-12 NEW: !!! Parallel texts in several layouts!!! (Format - Document: Associated)
2000-04-12 NEW: !!! Templates based on templates: change one, the others follow !!!
2000-04-12 NEW: Arabic Unicode keyboard.
2000-04-12 NEW: Format - Default template paragraph / font: Clears individual formats.
2000-04-12 NEW: Skip chapter line numbering for one paragraph.
^ Version 4.00 ^
IMPORTANT NOTE for Windows 3.1x users: Version 3.02 is the last version available for Windows 3.1x.
2000-02-18 FIX: Speed increase (15-50%).
2000-02-03 NEW: Document - Format - Notes - Text Puncuation Characters: Not Unicode.
2000-01-20 NEW: !!! Interface to Visual Basic (see the Home Page, Download) !!!
2000-01-20 NEW: New Format menu holds all formatting routines (former Options - Format is now Format - Document)
2000-01-20 NEW: Copy and paste font and paragraph format.
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Macros !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Repeat the last formatting action (Edit - Repeat) !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Copy and Paste with notes and apparatus (Edit - With notes) !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Copy and Paste with formats and footnotes to other word-processors. !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Copy and Paste copies sigla and objects. !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! RTF Export !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Search with wildcards (^?) !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: !!! Hyphenation support (Edit - Hyphenation) !!!
1999-12-23 NEW: Faster processing of OLE objects.
1999-12-23 NEW: Linked objects no longer saved with document.
^ Version 3.02 ^
1999-11-03 NEW: Comments on single ms. in lists of mss. are now possible.
1999-11-03 FIX: Diacritics on screen.
1999-11-03 FIX: Formatting margin text with ruler.
1999-10-21 NEW: Index according to chapters.
1999-10-11 NEW: Copy and Paste Unicode text.
1999-10-11 NEW: Importing Unicode plain text files (*.txt).
1999-10-11 NEW: Shortcuts to fonts may be defined.
1999-10-11 FIX: Indexes in references of Unicode-fonts.
1999-10-05 FIX: Non-latin Unicode characters imported from RTF not reflected properly in references.
1999-08-26 NEW: "@" before Chapter identifier prevents chapter and line from being printed in apparatus.
1999-08-26 NEW: Line number settings may being overwritten for single paragraph.
1999-08-23 FIX: Header and page number sometimes not printed on last page of section.
1999-07-01 NEW: !!! Small Capitals !!!
1999-07-01 NEW: !!! Search files in directory for string !!!
1999-07-01 NEW: Bring document to foreground.
1999-07-01 NEW: Paste Unicode characters into search string.
1999-07-01 FIX: Importing OLE objects when inserting CTE file.
1999-07-01 FIX: Importing different character sets from RTF.
1999-07-01 FIX: Additional paragraphs at section boundaries after importing from RTF.
1999-07-01 FIX: Not finding more than one Unicode character.
1999-07-01 FIX: Entering templates to search and replace.
1999-07-01 FIX: Font problems when inserting files.
1999-07-01 FIX: Problems when inserting numbered footnotes.
1999-06-02 NEW: Seperate mode-switching for each window.
1999-06-02 NEW: Unicode import from Multibyte encoded RTF files.
1999-06-02 NEW: Flexible punctuation characters of text (Options|Format|Notes).
1999-06-02 FIX: Wrong line references.
1999-03-26 NEW: Reference by line according to page option.
1999-03-26 FIX: Problems with formatted paragraphs in notes.
1999-03-20 FIX: Underline.
1999-02-25 NEW: !!! Ruler !!!
1999-02-25 FIX: Problems with Tab-stops if left margin not zero.
1999-02-25 FIX: Printing relative to printable area instead of paper margins.
1999-02-19 FIX: Import of templates when inserting a file.
1999-01-28 NEW: Faster in some respects.
1999-01-15 FIX: Find (and Replace) hangs sometimes.
1999-01-11 NEW: Saving much faster.
1999-01-07 FIX: Problem with font names including spaces, slowing down performance.
1999-01-07 FIX: Double characters when importing Unicode characters from RTF.
1999-01-04 NEW: Full size application window.
1999-01-04 NEW: No horizontal scroll bar in edit mode.
1999-01-04 FIX: Quotation marks wrongly imported from RTF.
1998-12-31 NEW: Smart backspace (Ctrl - Bksp) with internal keyboard combinations.
1998-12-31 NEW: Unicode characters as sigla.
1998-12-12 NEW: Copying template settings between templates.
1998-12-12 NEW: Importing single template settings from another file.
1998-12-12 NEW: Possible breaks between automatically built sigla
1998-12-12 NEW: Any char may be chosen instead of the ] bracket in the notes.
1998-12-12 NEW: Recently used fonts at top of list in Font combo box.
1998-12-12 FIX: BibleWorks rho with spritus asper not imported.
1998-12-12 FIX: MultiKey failed to combine diacritics at certain positions.
1998-12-12 NEW: !!! Internal Keyboard definitions !!!
^ Version 3.01 ^
1998-11-16 FIX: BibleWorks Greek iota subscriptum not imported.
1998-10-14 FIX: Single characters in new line at end of notes not printed.
1998-10-09 FIX: Printing problems arisen with Unicode.
1998-10-09 FIX: Font combo box is sorted again.
1998-10-06 NEW: Toolbar combo boxes (Template, Font, etc.) behave better.
1998-10-06 FIX: Certain characters not printed with some fonts.
1998-10-06 FIX: Problems with Unicode capitals.
1998-09-12 FIX: Importing ENPS files may hang / OEM characters of ENPS files not converted to ANSI.
1998-09-12 FIX: Error when using tabs in default templates.
1998-09-12 FIX: Dirty references on updating numbered footnotes.
1998-09-12 FIX: Apparatus reference changed when inserting numbered footnote.
1998-09-12 FIX: Problem with long font-names.
1998-08-25 NEW: !!! Supports Unicode character set !!!
1998-08-25 NEW: !!! Table of contents !!!
1998-08-25 NEW: !!! Page references !!!
1998-08-25 NEW: !!! TEI export !!! (File | Export | TEI)
1998-08-25 NEW: Endnotes.
1998-08-25 FIX: Screen output of italics.
1998-08-25 FIX: Double-clicking last word may hang program.
1998-08-25 FIX: Bracket after siglum deleted under certain circumstances.
^ Version 3.00 ^
1998-08-17 NEW: Searching and replacing chapter-text, margin-text, commands.
1998-08-17 NEW: Assigning templates to more than one paragraph at once.
1998-08-12 NEW: Highlighting and scrolling with the mouse.
1998-08-12 NEW: Paragraph property: Keep lines together.
1998-08-12 NEW: Paragraph property: Keep to next.
1998-08-12 NEW: Exchange button in Find Sigla dialog.
1998-08-04 NEW: !!! HTML export !!! (File | Export | HTML).
1998-08-03 NEW: New functions in context menu.
1998-08-03 NEW: Bookmarks saved across sessions.
1998-08-02 FIX: Changing number of app./notes now in "Options | Number of notes..."
1998-07-22 NEW: Zoom character size in charmap.
1998-07-22 FIX: Caret position before and after right-to-left text.
1998-07-22 FIX: RTF-import to non-existing notes GPFs.
1998-07-22 NEW: Tile windows horizontally or vertically.
1998-07-21 NEW: Option "Print (only) line" for notes / apparatus.
1998-07-21 NEW: Margin text in the apparatus.
1998-07-15 FIX: Search and replace: minor fixes.
1998-07-15 FIX: RTF import in CTE for Windows 3.11.
1998-07-14 NEW: Enhanced indices with subentries and cross-references.
1998-07-14 NEW: Importing index-entries from RTF.
1998-07-14 NEW: Importing text-files.
1998-07-14 FIX: Page numbers across section boundaries.
1998-07-09 NEW: Importing apparatus from RTF (Menu: Options | RTF import preferences).
1998-07-09 NEW: Importing footnotes from RTF.
1998-07-09 FIX: Temp-files not deleted after creating new file.
1998-07-06 FIX: Hebrew: justification with patah furtivum in "CTE Hebrew".
1998-07-06 FIX: Copy and paste in Find window.
1998-07-06 FIX: Some line numbers wrong by one.
1998-07-02 NEW: Help - How to print Postscript files.
1998-07-02 NEW: Enhanced function of the toolbar alignment buttons.
1998-07-02 NEW: Context-menu.
1998-07-02 NEW: New paragraph alignments: inner/outer mrg. just.
1998-06-26 NEW: Right-aligned and centered tabs.
1998-06-25 NEW: Margin settings are now property of paragraph, not document.
1998-06-25 NEW: "Widow control" is now property of paragraph, not document.
1998-06-25 NEW: "Justify all" alignment: Justifies even last line of paragraph.
1998-06-25 NEW: Repair references after abnormal termination (Options menu).
1998-06-25 NEW: Search and replace history.
1998-06-25 NEW: File history.
1998-06-25 NEW: !! Internet update (in the Help menu) !!
1998-06-25 NEW: !! Tabs (left aligned) !!
1998-06-25 NEW: !! Columns !!
1998-06-25 NEW: !! UniType(TM) compatibility !!
^ Version 2.04 ^
1998-06-12 FIX: Wrong references after replace format in app./notes.
1998-06-05 FIX: Hide newly created references.
1998-06-05 FIX: Position of first line number in paragraphs with "space before".
1998-06-04 FIX: Paste overwriting highlighted text.
^ Version 2.03 ^